Monday, May 18, 2009

January Meeting Notes

Jan meeting notes, Part 1 (By Ella Little):
Hotel/Motel Association Meeting: January 26, 2009 - Bellamy Mansion These are not minutes…just notes I took while people were talking. I missed a few things when people were talking to me at the same time someone was speaking. You will see where I have question marks. Marilou Hurst: Thanked Frank for his work. The organization will write him and ask him for a copy of the by-laws of the Hotel/Motel Association. The objective of this group is to let anyone who wants to work together to get people to come to the Wilmington area. Monique Baker from the Cape Fear Area Attractions Committee: Suggested that perhaps her group and this group can combine forces. Their group includes attractions in Brunswick, Pender and Columbus. No one objected to that if the two groups should merge. Doreen Turdgeon: Has previous experience in working together in Massachusetts. You want to band together because you have to send one message, and it has to be loud and clear, “United we stand.” Gave us a new word…”Co-option”…cooperating with your competition. Kip Damrow: Reported on homeless project…13 or 14 properties participated. All donations were shipped to Virginia where they will be re-packaged with other donations received. Then packages will be shipped back to us for distribution at The Salvation Army and the Good Sheppard Home. They would like to be able to do this as a project two or three times a year. Kip Damrow – elected President. Election of a Secretary was tabled until the next meeting. They would like to have someone from the Attractions group be Secretary so that each group would be represented. Ella Little will act as interim Secretary. The group broke up into committees and met while eating lunch. They were asked to come up with one or two goals for the year.

Jan Meeting notes Part 2:
The group broke up into committees and met while eating lunch. They were asked to come up with one or two goals for the year. Promotion & Events: Beverly Ascue, Chair Partner with Wilmington/CFC-CVB Speak to Rotary Club at least once Do 4 places in 2009 (?) Sports: Marilou, Chair Identify every sport that takes place and put them on a calendar Have open house on neutral territory. Have sports organizers there. Do speed dating or something similar to give everyone an opportunity to talk to them. Before the next meeting get an agenda together of when professional sports teams meet Marilou will check with Jelly Belly regarding skating events. Legislative: Paul, Chair Monique Baker offered to assist him, as he is a committee of one. Make presence known with City Hall and City Council and let our concerns be known City wide and state wide – keep up on issues that affect our industry. Monique mentioned the “Save Our Summers” issue that keeps coming back up and asked everyone to be award of it and help support it. Mikie – check and see if there is a fund that supports getting big events into the Wilmington area. Membership: Karen P – Chair Get new 20 members Identify all who need to be invited to join by segments…hotel/motel, attractions, restaurants, etc. Hospitality for the Homeless: Kip – Chair Donate needed items to Salvation Army and Good Sheppard Home at least twice a year. Publicity: Maureen, Chair Brand ourselves when we establish a name for the group Work closely with TDAs, chambers, CVBs in Pender, Brunswick, New Hanover to disseminate information about what we are doing Program – Candace McGreevy, Chair Share what attractions know about Wilmington with the organization Immediate goal is to prepare a survey to see what the interests of the group are for future programs

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