Monday, May 18, 2009

Hotel Prank Call Alert

Prank Phone call Alert for Hotels
This message was sent from NYSHTA… Phone Call PRANK ALERT! It has come to our attention that prank phone callers are targeting New York State hotels. How it happens: A phone call is made to the hotel, usually in the middle of the night. The caller asks for specific room numbers. With the guest on the phone, the caller tells them there is a dangerous gas leak in the hotel and they must immediately put a wet towel under the door, smash the window and/or jump out. Multiple rooms are called during the course of the prank. A hotel targeted this week in New York State suffered substantial property damage from shattered windows, but fortunately no guests were injured. Please make your front desk staff aware of this prank so they take the proper steps to keep guests safe. At your service, G Gina Mintzer, CMP, Director of Sales Albany County Convention & Visitors Bureau 25 Quackenbush Square, Albany, NY 12207 (518) 434-1217 x301 · 800-258-3582 ·

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