Monday, May 18, 2009

February Meeting Notes

February Meeting Notes
Feb. 23rd Meeting Minutes A key to the group being able to move forward is branding. Without an official name, this is an impossible task which hinders each committees efforts. The group has a page on Linked In. Please add postings to this site. The site can be retrieved under Cape Fear Lodging and Attractions, then click find group. The Attractions Association has decided to stay a part of the NHHM Association. There is an understanding that the name will be changed as soon as possible to update the name and be more inclusive. This is tabled for future discussion suggests to date include: Cape Fear Region Hospitality Association, Cape Fear Coast Hospitality Association, Cape Fear Coast Lodging and Attractions Association. Committee chairs were present and gave a brief synopsis of their current activity. Beverly Askew: Bellamy Mansion- The Promotions Committee is planning for interfaces with city officials and civic organizations to promote the association. Mar Lou: Innkeeper- The Sports Committee will continue to support CF Soccer Associations expansion efforts. It has identified New Hanover Parks & Recreation as a source of leads for individual hotels to pursue but not nessecarily for the whole organization to benefit from. They will work on bringing more golf business to the area and support Super Optimist’s effort to bring tournaments to the area. The Sharks Baseball Tournament is looking for packages to post on their website. There is a new local sports station NSP for local sports opportunities. Kip Damrow: Courtyard & Hilton Garden- Hospitality for the Homeless Committee- Since members of our group contributed toiletries for care kits for this organization, Kip would like for as many of us as possible to attend when he brings the kits to the Good Shepard House of Wilmington. Pierrette Cortner: Holiday Inn Express Hotel and Suites- The Meeting Planning Committee attended the Attractions Association meeting to encourage them to join the rejuvenation of the NHHM Association. Members of the attractions committee will bring their Passport program to the organization as a new committee. In addition Monique Baker will lead a Marketing Committee. After the meeting the first time attendees Jocelyn Jameson, Kathy Miller, of the Drifters Reef and Jeanne Walker of Poplar grove agreed to join this committee. First time attendee John Meyer with the Cape Fear Bridal Association agreed to attend our meetings as a liaison to his organization rather than sign up on a committee. Jim McDaniel of Airlee Gardens suggested that once we have branded our organization we may be able to coordinate efforts with the city to earmark seed money to bring events to Wilmington. He noted that marketing Wilmington as a destination The group was surveyed and agreed to meet at Orton Plantation for the Tuesday, April 28th meeting at 12 noon. The NEXT meeting will be TUESDAY, MARCH 24th at Hieronymus Seafood. The cost will be $10 per person inclusive of beverage, tax and tip. Please bring exact change or company check. A Secretary and Treasurer will need to be elected.

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