Thursday, December 17, 2009


Contact: Doreen Turgeon
Phone: (910) 509-4046 -Ext. 503
Cell: 910-367-8233

December 16, 2009


The Wilmington Area Hospitality Association (WAHA) will be hosting the 1st Annual Hospitality Olympics at the Blockade Runner Resort on Sunday, February 28th, 2010 which coincides with the last day of the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver, BC. The event will run from 12:00 noon until 4:00 pm (Registration begins at 11:30 am) and will feature teams from hospitality and tourism businesses throughout the Wilmington area including New Hanover, Pender & Brunswick counties.

Proceeds from the event will fund a scholarship to the Hospitality Program at the Cape Fear Community College. This event will be open to the public, with free admission. Area businesses will be donating prizes to be raffled, with raffle ticket sales funding the scholarship.

Events that are sure to produce some slapstick entertainment will include:

Blindfolded Mine Field Challenge
Server/Bartender Obstacle Course
Beach Pineapple Hockey
Fish Toss
Blind Taste Test
Build-A-Boat that Floats
Mind Games
Spirit of Pride Award

Refreshments will be available for purchase at the Blockade Runner. In the event of rain, the events will be moved indoors.

Doreen Turgeon, WAHA Olympic Committee Chair explains, “The Wilmington Area Hospitality Association (WAHA) is an organization dedicated to partner with other hospitality businesses and non-profits to promote our area and our industry as well as provide a forum for discussion of issues affecting our region and industry. We hope that this event will be a great way to strengthen our partnership building.”

Additional information about the Wilmington Area Hospitality Association and the 2010 Olympics is available online at


Friday, October 16, 2009

Next WAHA Meeting

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 20th at 12:00. Location: Osteria Cichetti in the Forum Shopping Center, 1125 Military Cutoff Road. VIEW MAP

$12 per person plus tax/gratuity
Includes salad and drink
Meeting starts at 12noon

Agenda for this meeting is as follows:
Vote on WAHA Logo
WAHA Member applications will be distributed
Update on WAHA Olympics
CVB Update
Save Our Summer Raleigh Blitz update

Please forward any agenda items to Kip Damrow our President at
Please rsvp to Ella Little at by Monday, October 19th.
If you are unable to attend the meeting after you have RSVP’D please e-mail Ella as a courtesy to Osteria Cicchetti.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Revised Bi-Laws


ARTICLE I – Organization

Section 1. THE NAME of this organization shall be the Hotel Motel Association of New Hanover County.

Section 2. THE PURPOSE of the association shall be to promote the interest of the hospitality industry in New Hanover County and surrounding counties; to provide information to the membership; to provide a forum for the discussion of ideas and problems; to facilitate communication among membership; and to promote professionalism within the hospitality industry.

Section 3. AFFILIATION with other organizations shall be at the discretion of the Executive Board; this association shall encourage membership with like-minded organizations to our active members.

Section 4. THE FISCAL YEAR of the association shall end on the 30th day of June each year.


Section 1. CLASSIFICATION of membership shall be: Active, Associate, and Honorary.

Section 2. ACTIVE membership shall be available to any Hotel, Motel or Hospitality associated business located within Wilmington Metro and surrounding counties. The member shall designate one owner or employee who shall represent them at meetings, and who shall vote on behalf of the member property.

Section 3. HONORARY lifetime membership shall be conferred by unanimous vote of the Executive Board upon persons who have rendered some distinguished service to the association or the industry. Honorary members shall be ineligible to vote or hold office and shall pay no dues, but shall be welcome at all meetings and social events of the association. Honorary Members shall receive monthly notices of the membership meetings.

Section 4. ADMISSION to membership shall be based upon the receipt of applicants payment of such dues as required by the Executive Board.

Section 5. TERMINATION of membership shall be automatic when dues remain unpaid more than 60 days after the payment date established and notice of effect of nonpayment has been mailed to such member after the payment date. Expulsion from membership for good cause shall be by two-thirds vote of the Executive Board at a meeting where such member is given an opportunity to be heard. Any member so expelled shall have the right to appeal to the membership and the decision of a majority of the membership shall be final.


Section 1. THE BUSINESS ACTIVITIES of the Association shall be conducted by the Executive Board in accordance with the By-Laws and with the concurrence of the membership.

Section 2. THE EXECUTIVE BOARD shall consist of the President, one Vice President, a Secretary and Treasurer and Executive Director, with the Executive Director have no vote. The Board may also nominate from time to time additional Directors if unanimously approved by the Executive Board and approved at a Membership meeting.

ie: Changes Purposed:
(1) The president position must be an active member.
(2) Any other position may be filled by an active member, and at no time can any inactive member serve office.
Section 3. THE TERM OF OFFICE for all officers shall be a period of (1) year. A vacancy in any office shall be filled by vote of the remaining members of the Executive Board and the replacement of an officer shall be for the balance of the one year term. Officers may be re-elected for successive terms. An officer absent (unexcused) for three consecutive meetings of the Executive Board shall be deemed to have resigned and that position shall be declared vacant.

Section 4. THE MAXIMUM NUMBER of years an officer may serve in the same position is four consecutive years. The president may only serve for two consecutive years.

Section 5. THE DUTIES for each officer shall be those normally associated with the offices described.

Section 6. AN EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR shall be employed by the Executive Board with the approval of the membership. The Executive Board shall determine the length of service and shall assign duties to fulfill the purposes and goals of the association.

Section 7. COMMITTEES shall be (1) a Membership Committee; (2) a Legislative Committee; (3) a Nominating Committee; (4) a By-Laws Committee; and (5) other committees determined by the President and approved by the Executive Board.


Section 1. A NOMINATING COMMITTEE consisting of three members shall be appointed by the President and approved by the Executive Board. They shall elect one active member as a nominee for each position on the Executive Board to be filled by election at the annual meeting.

Section 2. THE REPORT of the Nominating Committee shall be made to the Executive Board and members one month in advance of the annual meeting held in June of each year.

Section 3. NOMINATIONS from the floor shall be allowed following the report of the Nominating Committee. In the event of a contested election for an office, the vote may be taken by secret written ballot if so ordered by executive board. The person with the greatest number of votes shall be declared elected.

Section 4. ELIGIBILITY for election as an officer shall be restricted to Active members in good standing.


Section 1. MEETINGS There shall be a meeting of the membership each calendar year, designated as the annual meeting to be held in June and also bi-monthly meetings. The time and place shall be established by the Executive Board and announced to the membership. Notice of such meetings shall describe the time, place and purpose and shall be emailed/faxed no less than seven days prior to the meeting date.

Section 2. BOARD MEETINGS of the Executive Board shall be held at such times and places the Board shall determine. Other meetings may be called by the President or the Vice Chair Board Member.

Section 3. QUORUM. A quorum of the membership at any meeting shall consist of no less than ten percent of the member business entities having current Active membership. A quorum of the Executive Board shall consist of no less than three members.

Section 4. VOTING. Only active members in good standing shall be permitted to vote and there may be only one vote for each member business entity.


Section 1. ACTIVE MEMBER DUES. Active member dues shall be established by a majority vote of the Executive Board and approval of the membership.

Section 2. ASSESSMENTS. No assessment shall be made against the membership except upon the recommendations of a majority of the Executive Board and the vote of two-thirds of the membership.


The Association shall use its funds only to accomplish the objectives and purposes specified in these by-laws and no part of said funds shall inure, or be distributed to the individual members of the association. Upon any dissolution of the association, any funds remaining shall be distributed to one or more regularly organized and qualified non-profit organizations as directed by the Executive Board and approved by the membership.


THE BY-LAWS MAY BE AMENDED at any regular or annual meeting of the membership by a majority vote of members present, provided that notice of the general nature of any purposed amendment be mailed to the general membership with fifteen (15) days notice.


All meetings of the Association shall be in accordance with the By-Laws. In case of a conflict or discussion not covered in the By-Laws, Roberts Rules of Order should govern the meeting.

June Meeting Notes

June Meeting Notes - 6/30/09

Introduction - Kip Damrow stresses the need to tighten up the focus and logistics of the association as we stand. Suggestions - a newly formed board to review our bi-laws and update them. Also possible switch to bi-monthly meetings. This is the sixth month and we are “spinning our wheels”.

Tom Jones - Wilmington Today - addresses What is our goal?” Answer - Bring more tourism in with the shifting economy. One way to accomplish this, and a key program, is the Bring it Home Campaign, which seeks out key Civic Leaders who can bring their groups and associations to Wilmington instead of elsewhere.

What's new on the tourism marketing scene?

Steve Mitchum - Pace Communications - addressed changes to a familiar publication:
“Come and Play” Visitor’s Guide - Hiring local writers to expand on the guide with a goal to create an emotional attraction rather than just give info. Will include dining, attractions, and local businesses. Visually has this destination “jump off the page”. Supporting advertisers that will be able to get a positive ROI on investment.

Kim Hufham - Cape Fear CVB - adds to Steve Mitchum's presentation and elaborates on CVB status:
*CVB is partnering with Pace Communications as the state budget was cut. She asks that everyone consider this publication in their advertising budgets. CVB will deliver these books to the lodging sites that want them after July 1.

*The fiscal budget for the CVB has been a “roller coaster”. While the budget was cut $300,000 from last year’s figures, none of these cuts were taken out of advertising. The CVB stresses the importance of advertising in local publications!!

*The CVB will have a new marketing person joining the team on the Convention side, and Kim feels that this will be beneficial in “becoming a proactive marketing team rather than reactive.” She anticipates exciting things coming out of the sales department in the coming year. Participating in the Bring it Home Campaign and promoting sports groups are goals of the CVB as well.

How can we continue to increase our exposure?

Dan Burke - Cape Fear Tours -
SEO Optimization increases by linking sites together. By joining networking sites you increase traffic to your primary site. For example, Children’s Museum has a link website for partners. Because of all of the cross promotional links, if you google Children and Wilmington, the Wilmington Childrens Museum comes up first.


Monique Baker - Battleship NC - Marketing Co-op Opportunities - Do we want her to bring in Publishers, etc. ?

Tom Jones - Wilmington Today will do a drop down rate for any marketing we’d like to do.

New Member & Local Business:

Jack Fryar - Dram Tree Historical Tours - Jack is an expert on and writes books about the history of the lower Cape Fear Coast. Boat Tours of the area available, visit for more information.

Update from Monique- Pender County Blueberry Festival was a huge success. The Spot Festival will take place in September, for more information visit

*The CVB has a twitter, you can become a follower.
ACTION POINT - Join Twitter!! Become a follower -
ACTION POINT- Join our Blog!
ACTION POINT - Check out Dan Burke’s Website,, up and running in the Fall of 2009!!
ACTION POINT - Respond to the CVB Surveys as they come out, as this will help determine occupancy stats and needs in the area.
ACTION POINT - If you have any suggestions for inclusions and ways to make the Come and Play book better, please contact Steve Mitchum.

Looking Ahead:

Bi-law Committee will get together and dissect by no later than July 24th.

Our next and largest meeting will take place on August 18th at Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse, located in the Riverside Hilton Downtown Wilmington.

**Ruth’s Chris has combatted the slowing economy by starting a summer classics menu and implementing different marketing ideas like live music and 1/2 price bottles of wine

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

May Meeting Notes

Meeting held at Fox and Hound Restaurant

May Meeting Notes
Kip Damrow opens meeting with a moment of Silence for Shannon Weeks of the Best Western downtown, who passed on.
Good News - Finances have been cleared up and signed over to us. We have $7500 amongst two different banks at our disposal
Hospitality for the Homeless - Another shipment has been put together since last meeting. August will be time for soliciting hotels for donations. Kits are assembled by company in Norfolk (project for boyscouts, etc)
Bring It Home Campaign - Reach out to business owners to have their trade industries come to Wilmington. Potential Avenues - Business Journal and Chamber of Commerce Newsletter.
Action Point - Get involved!! Muriel and Mikie Wall attended the Executive Golf Tournament in Greenville and talked up Wilmington’s New Convention Center
Muriel Pearson as a stand-in for Kim Hufham- Update on CVB
CVB is dealing with budget cuts
room occupancy down 7.39%
Action Point - write to CVB to give them more information on updated occupancy
CVB just attended the Legislative Conference in Raleigh
Save Our Summers Update - Holdup appears to be in New Hanover County teaching system? Update to follow.
Email Link to everyone - NC TIA? Monique Baker
Heather Buchman- Pace Communications
Clarifying the “official” Visitor’s Guide of the Cape Fear CVB
They would like to take it from an “out-of-market” publication to “in-market” publication. Enhanced content will add value
Stephanie with Wilmington Hammerheads
Youth Passes for Soccer Games are available either online at or by calling office, or at Moes
Any non-profit that wants to use a game as a fundraiser up to $2500, the office will pre-print tickets for that purpose
Miss USA will be at Sharks Game - Friday, May 29th throwing out first pitch and singing national anthem, Hammerheads game Saturday May 30th singing national anthem
If there are any restaurants who would like to sponsor Miss USA Homecoming on Wednesday, May 27th, contact Jane Davis
Kip has suggested meeting bi-monthly and has noted a slowdown in attendance.
Tom Jones - Wilmington Today spoke about his publication.
Update on the Soccer side of things - Annual Soccer Tournament had 290 teams, ten over the original goal of 280. Had to turn away 25 teams due to soccer field availability, not hotel rooms. Next year they will try to split age groups amongst two weekends to accommodate for graduation traffic.
Two more opportunities in the future - a series of tournaments
ACTION POINT - Keep looking for tidbits from hospitality network and send them to Hospitality Writer for Business Journal

Monday, May 18, 2009

Cape Fear CVB @ Association Executives of NC Luncheon

Cape Fear CVB @ Association Executives of NC luncheon
Cape Fear CVB was the sponsor for the AENC luncheon at the Carolina Inn on the UNC campus in Chaep Hill, on Fri. Mayor Saffo spoke to the group to promote the new Wilmington Convention Center. As usual, his enthusiasm for Wilmington and the new convention center was very uplifting. Nice job Kim, Mikie and Muriel. The CVB did a great job of creating very creative table center pieces with a construction theme. Wilmington area hotels in attendence at the luncheon included: Blockade Runner, Sunspree Resort, Carolina Beach Courtyard, Hilton Riverside, Shell Island Resort, Hilton Garden Inn Mayfaire and Courtyard Wilmington.

Hotel Prank Call Alert

Prank Phone call Alert for Hotels
This message was sent from NYSHTA… Phone Call PRANK ALERT! It has come to our attention that prank phone callers are targeting New York State hotels. How it happens: A phone call is made to the hotel, usually in the middle of the night. The caller asks for specific room numbers. With the guest on the phone, the caller tells them there is a dangerous gas leak in the hotel and they must immediately put a wet towel under the door, smash the window and/or jump out. Multiple rooms are called during the course of the prank. A hotel targeted this week in New York State suffered substantial property damage from shattered windows, but fortunately no guests were injured. Please make your front desk staff aware of this prank so they take the proper steps to keep guests safe. At your service, G Gina Mintzer, CMP, Director of Sales Albany County Convention & Visitors Bureau 25 Quackenbush Square, Albany, NY 12207 (518) 434-1217 x301 · 800-258-3582 ·

March Meeting Notes

March Meeting Notes
3/24/09 Hotel/Motel Meeting Minutes Introduction: Everyone Committee Organization Hospitality for the Homeless packets were presented. They have been distributed to homeless centers. Continue to solicit for donations. Elected: Gary- Holiday Inn Market- Treasurer Audra- Beau Rivage- Secretary Kim Huffman with the CVB: Working together Battling Consumer Confidence Numbers- 10 of 12 months have been down For 9/11 only a couple of months were down then things bounced back It’s not just happening here Room Occupancy Tax Receipts- Entire county down 7.92%- 5.8% for July-Jan Brunswick County ROT down 7.5% CVB has had budget cuts because numbers are down; however nothing has been taken from marketing and more money has been put into advertising Nationwide radio campaign has been started (never done before) Pushing affordability & value Aggressive giveaways Upcoming: Mikie-Attending Travel South for motorcoach media May 9th-17th- National Tourism week CVB will provide ribbons for front desk employees to wear that week. They will provide them at the next meeting. Meeting numbers are down nationally. There is a positive campaign being ran that recreates a positive feel about companies allowing meetings. Convention Center Update: Still on track to open Summer 2010 Additional 11,000 square feet decision to be made soon $250,000 to market convention center No staff in place, yet Participating in the Raleigh Trade Show & Destination Showcase in Washington, DC Media plan starting in June Antonio Saviano with Cape Fear Soccer Association: May Tournament coming up August tournament the last week of the month Send anyone requesting availability to the CVB. They have researched and out together a list for easy referral. Daniel Burke with IMEC Productions: Introducing the opportunity of a new possible marketing tool on U-Tube If you are interested please contact him at: Dan Burke IMEC 910.622.6094 Kip: Name stays the same Treasurer/ Secretary/ President will visit previous president to retrieve account info prior to next meeting * April 17: Business After Hours at the park Legion Stadium in Bar Garden * April 14: Hammerheads Game * Monique: Passport Program Handouts

February Meeting Notes

February Meeting Notes
Feb. 23rd Meeting Minutes A key to the group being able to move forward is branding. Without an official name, this is an impossible task which hinders each committees efforts. The group has a page on Linked In. Please add postings to this site. The site can be retrieved under Cape Fear Lodging and Attractions, then click find group. The Attractions Association has decided to stay a part of the NHHM Association. There is an understanding that the name will be changed as soon as possible to update the name and be more inclusive. This is tabled for future discussion suggests to date include: Cape Fear Region Hospitality Association, Cape Fear Coast Hospitality Association, Cape Fear Coast Lodging and Attractions Association. Committee chairs were present and gave a brief synopsis of their current activity. Beverly Askew: Bellamy Mansion- The Promotions Committee is planning for interfaces with city officials and civic organizations to promote the association. Mar Lou: Innkeeper- The Sports Committee will continue to support CF Soccer Associations expansion efforts. It has identified New Hanover Parks & Recreation as a source of leads for individual hotels to pursue but not nessecarily for the whole organization to benefit from. They will work on bringing more golf business to the area and support Super Optimist’s effort to bring tournaments to the area. The Sharks Baseball Tournament is looking for packages to post on their website. There is a new local sports station NSP for local sports opportunities. Kip Damrow: Courtyard & Hilton Garden- Hospitality for the Homeless Committee- Since members of our group contributed toiletries for care kits for this organization, Kip would like for as many of us as possible to attend when he brings the kits to the Good Shepard House of Wilmington. Pierrette Cortner: Holiday Inn Express Hotel and Suites- The Meeting Planning Committee attended the Attractions Association meeting to encourage them to join the rejuvenation of the NHHM Association. Members of the attractions committee will bring their Passport program to the organization as a new committee. In addition Monique Baker will lead a Marketing Committee. After the meeting the first time attendees Jocelyn Jameson, Kathy Miller, of the Drifters Reef and Jeanne Walker of Poplar grove agreed to join this committee. First time attendee John Meyer with the Cape Fear Bridal Association agreed to attend our meetings as a liaison to his organization rather than sign up on a committee. Jim McDaniel of Airlee Gardens suggested that once we have branded our organization we may be able to coordinate efforts with the city to earmark seed money to bring events to Wilmington. He noted that marketing Wilmington as a destination The group was surveyed and agreed to meet at Orton Plantation for the Tuesday, April 28th meeting at 12 noon. The NEXT meeting will be TUESDAY, MARCH 24th at Hieronymus Seafood. The cost will be $10 per person inclusive of beverage, tax and tip. Please bring exact change or company check. A Secretary and Treasurer will need to be elected.

January Meeting Notes

Jan meeting notes, Part 1 (By Ella Little):
Hotel/Motel Association Meeting: January 26, 2009 - Bellamy Mansion These are not minutes…just notes I took while people were talking. I missed a few things when people were talking to me at the same time someone was speaking. You will see where I have question marks. Marilou Hurst: Thanked Frank for his work. The organization will write him and ask him for a copy of the by-laws of the Hotel/Motel Association. The objective of this group is to let anyone who wants to work together to get people to come to the Wilmington area. Monique Baker from the Cape Fear Area Attractions Committee: Suggested that perhaps her group and this group can combine forces. Their group includes attractions in Brunswick, Pender and Columbus. No one objected to that if the two groups should merge. Doreen Turdgeon: Has previous experience in working together in Massachusetts. You want to band together because you have to send one message, and it has to be loud and clear, “United we stand.” Gave us a new word…”Co-option”…cooperating with your competition. Kip Damrow: Reported on homeless project…13 or 14 properties participated. All donations were shipped to Virginia where they will be re-packaged with other donations received. Then packages will be shipped back to us for distribution at The Salvation Army and the Good Sheppard Home. They would like to be able to do this as a project two or three times a year. Kip Damrow – elected President. Election of a Secretary was tabled until the next meeting. They would like to have someone from the Attractions group be Secretary so that each group would be represented. Ella Little will act as interim Secretary. The group broke up into committees and met while eating lunch. They were asked to come up with one or two goals for the year.

Jan Meeting notes Part 2:
The group broke up into committees and met while eating lunch. They were asked to come up with one or two goals for the year. Promotion & Events: Beverly Ascue, Chair Partner with Wilmington/CFC-CVB Speak to Rotary Club at least once Do 4 places in 2009 (?) Sports: Marilou, Chair Identify every sport that takes place and put them on a calendar Have open house on neutral territory. Have sports organizers there. Do speed dating or something similar to give everyone an opportunity to talk to them. Before the next meeting get an agenda together of when professional sports teams meet Marilou will check with Jelly Belly regarding skating events. Legislative: Paul, Chair Monique Baker offered to assist him, as he is a committee of one. Make presence known with City Hall and City Council and let our concerns be known City wide and state wide – keep up on issues that affect our industry. Monique mentioned the “Save Our Summers” issue that keeps coming back up and asked everyone to be award of it and help support it. Mikie – check and see if there is a fund that supports getting big events into the Wilmington area. Membership: Karen P – Chair Get new 20 members Identify all who need to be invited to join by segments…hotel/motel, attractions, restaurants, etc. Hospitality for the Homeless: Kip – Chair Donate needed items to Salvation Army and Good Sheppard Home at least twice a year. Publicity: Maureen, Chair Brand ourselves when we establish a name for the group Work closely with TDAs, chambers, CVBs in Pender, Brunswick, New Hanover to disseminate information about what we are doing Program – Candace McGreevy, Chair Share what attractions know about Wilmington with the organization Immediate goal is to prepare a survey to see what the interests of the group are for future programs

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Our New Blog!

Hello all!

This blog is being constructed in the name of the New Hanover Hotel-Motel Association. We are a volunteer cooperative of Wilmingon attractions personnel of various backgrounds with one goal in mind; to continue to foster the growth and success of the tourism sector of the Wilmington, N.C. The collective efforts of the group are aimed at creating a United Tourism Front, one that will help to provide our visitors with a better feel of our community's history and culture, a comprehensive "to-do" list, and a positive, memorable visiting experience.

Our goal is to do our part in stimulating a flourishing local economy for the benefit of all!

This blog address will be available for general information, meeting notes, and group news.

Please feel free to share the link with your friends, family, co-workers and visiting tourists!! Thank you for your interest.. Be sure to check back with us soon!